Sunday, September 1, 2013

I'm sorry, I'm not.

Being feminine is not my type.
I'm not used to wear make-ups, dress, heels or anything.
I do not befriend the social type of girls.
But i do have girl friends.
They're funny.
That you'll laugh until your stomach aches.
They're reliable.
That they will know if your down or not.
That they will help you till you finally smile.
They're my first family.

I am mostly closed to boys because they're less drama.
They will tell you something but not everything.
They can give you advise as a real man's friend.
They will never betray or talk backed to you.

I do not easily wear dress, make-up or heels, unless there is a occasion.
Whenever i wear those girly things, everyone will comment "you're like a gay", "it doesn't suit you".
Well, sorry if it doesn't suit me.
I was just forced to.I never intend to wear those, really.
Sorry if I'm not that feminine.
If I'm not that cute or pretty.
Sorry if I'm like a gay whenever i wear those shit.
Sorry if i didn't reach your expectations.
Coz I'm not  feminine.

I don't know whom I'm apologizing to.
Well, i think it is better if i tell this to myself but i really want to tell those guys that I'm just me, i do not copy.
I want them to recognize and remember me from who i really am.
But i guess, even me, i don't understand myself.

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